Lata de pintura cuadrada de 1 galón


4L Square Tin Can is the most popular product of our factory. Most customers are used to fill oil, lubricants or brake fluid. 0.28mm thick tinplate can body configuration, so that the hardness and weight of tin cans more superior to similar products! Our factory also cooperates with Speed Master, a high-end oil brand in Japan. The quality of the products and the design ability of the factory are absolutely trustworthy.

Nuestras latas pequeñas de estilo F existentes

CapacidadLongitud (mm)Ancho (mm)Altura (mm)Espesor (mm)
1 litro117601850.25
Medio galón1681051300.25
2,2 litros168881700.28
2,5 litros1681051700.28

Podemos ajustar la ALTURA para que sea la capacidad del cliente sin hacer un nuevo molde.

Todos nuestros contenedores metálicos son los siguientes,
1) Factory directly
2) Customization is available
3) Material: first Grade Tinplate, environmentally friendly and recyclable
4) UN standard and OEM&ODMservices
5) Durable, applied and secure
6) Good after-sales service: International standardleakageis 3‰. If exceeds this and our responsibility, we'll make the best compensation solution.